Overwriting file on update form

Hey everyone,

I have an easy question I guess, which I am not able to figure out.

How can I overwrite a file (img) on an update form, so that the file is updated.

I went through the documentation on uploading file with server connect however there isn't any mention on updating files except for the overwrite check box that is available but I don't know how to use it?

I am storing the file url on upload on the create form but I don"t know how to update the file on an edit/update form.


  1. Make a serveraction “update”
  2. Make the database connection
  3. Make a databasequery and name it “deleteimg”. In Query builder select the table to be updated, then select the column for the “Image”. Under conditions select id > equal > {{$_POST.id}}

  1. New database query and name it update. In query builder select the table to be updated. Click OK. Check if all the POST variables have been added under Globals > Post

  1. Re-open the update query. In image Value select Globals > Post > Image > Name

Do the same for Condition

  1. Select DatabaseQuery Deleteimg and insert Condtion.
    As a condition select t Globals > Post > Image > Name

  2. Under then > steps do your upload steps

  3. After you last save image add If File Exists. File Path should be something like /uploadimage/deleteimg[0].image from the deleteimg query

  4. Under then > Steps: add File Remover with the same parameters as in 8.

It took me a long time to figure this out for myself, but it works seamlessly for me now.


Thank you, that was harder than I expected.

After a tough struggle, finally I got it working

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You did it a lot quicker than I did :sweat_smile:
Glad I could be of help