Opening 2 server actions quickly causes flickering tabs

Wappler Version : 4.0.0 beta 13
Operating System : Mac
Server Model: Node JS
Database Type: My Sql
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior
Both tabs open and do not flicker

Actual behavior
Both tabs open but create a flickering tabs and when I close one of the 2 tabs what are now been flicked between its passed to another tab so there still 2 flickering until Wappler restart

How to reproduce
Open 2 server actions one after the other pretty fast

How do you open them by just single click or double?

A short movie will be very helpful.

Seems to be if you click them fast enough the first tab doesn’t actually fully load (I was double clicking for fixed tabs)

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.0.2

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