struggling with a server connect. I have a one to many table, the right table can also be null (no records).
So i have a table “jobs” and a table of “job_photos”. Jobs is a table with 1 row. job_photos can contain NO photos or many photos.
On my App side I have a repeat region that loops through jobs showing the jobs, and what I want it to do is then show 1 image from job_photos if it has a photo.
I have it showing a photo and if no photo it shows “no image uploaded”. But, if jobs_photo has say 3 photos uploaded then I get 3 rows in my page.
I need a top 1 job_photos type thing to just give me one image.
Not sure if its possible in wappler. If not I will have to add a column to the job_photo of “show this image” but then dont know how to populate that field if someone drags and drops multiple images when they do their upload.
There is a top formatter for repeat regions. Put your image in a repeat region (Like I think you have now if I understand). And apply the ‘top’’ formatter to the expression.
unfortunately if I put the Top on the repeat condition I only get one job record on the page, I want the list of jobs, but just ONE photo per job.
thanks, solved, couldnt get a top on the 2nd repeat as option never appeared but it worked anyway, just getting one job line even if it has multi photos so all good thanks everyone