NodeJS error - headers already send

Wappler Version : last stable 5.2.4
Operating System :MacOS 10.15.7
Server Model: Node
Database Type:none
Hosting Type: Wappler Local Server

in Wappler preview mode working, but localhost return 500 error (I used in 2 variants - with deploy to Wappler Local server and by local Docker - the same error


Can I see a image of your Project Setting under target tab if you don’t mind?

Of course

Test both connections is OK

And the problem is when you browse localhost:8100 you get an error?

Yes and on 3000 port too

Did you try resaving and redeploying it?

lot of times , restart Wappler, local server and Docker - anyway not result

I would say removed :8000 from http://localhost >> Web server URL

I meant 8100 sorry. and resave and redeploy

in this case just not any answer from server

another thing here too. I have never run a Docker Server Type project for development then run a different Server Type project for development using Wappler Local Server in the same project. But from what you are saying the problem seems to start before you decided to run the second development as Wappler Local Server?

It looks like the error might be when contacting the api - have you check that is working as expected?

Inside Wappler in preview all working - the external API requests run OK

What does your Docker Compose yml services port mapping to? this is under .wappler/target/development/web

I deleted target with Docker - but reason not in it. A have some strange in App events and when I try delete it - I can’t save changes.

If you should create a brand new Wappler project just to test if you having the same problem there. Is this something you are willing to try? You can use Docker as your Server Type.

Actually this is a NodeJS error, not really dependent of the way you run node. There is just something wrong with your server action file.

Could you tell us what is in it for steps?

In this project i have only one server action and in Preview mode it working. But also on page “Utility” I have 3 errors but it not in code mode.