NodeJS error - headers already send

Yes, server action not load images, also broken

I delete server action, rebuild server, restart Wappler, but problem still exists

Do you have maybe some global server action steps? Those are always running first. Just select the “Globals” root node to see them

Thank you very much, there really was a forgotten server action, now localhost is working - I will deal with loading images further.

Good to know, yes it is often forgotten.

And what did you had there that causes the errors?

Yes, I somehow quickly deleted it, I didn’t start digging. I have a burning deadline for the delivery of the first project on Wappler to the customer - there is no time for side problems :slight_smile: I still don’t understand how to properly use the server action - this is very different from the usual writing of my scripts. Also, I used to mainly use PHP and Node.JS a technology that is still mostly unknown to me.