NocoDB usage

I"m into my second day of trying to use NocoDB & I’m failing.

Tried Heroku but the steps kept expanding until I thought I’d try the Docker approach. Then GitHub Desktop directly.

But according to the massive forum questions it is still a long way from being a fullfledged Airtable alternative.\

In GitHub I made a new account since it says it can be hosted anywhere and have a local synched clone on my Mac now. But I don’t know the next steps to get it to work in a localhost dashboard as it does when I tried the NocoDB project server environment where the options are so few.

If one of our pros knows how to make this sit up and behave so that I can first connect it to my own databse I’d appreciate it.

And it seems that instead of running this as a Docker project I should drop the code all into my own localhost environment. tested on Synology NAS, works perfectly.
Info about environment variables.

    -e NC_DB="mysql2://host.docker.internal:3306?u=root&p=password&d=d1" \
    -e NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET="569a1821-0a93-45e8-87ab-eb857f20a010" \

NC_DB: database type
mysql2: for MySQL/MariaDB
pg: PostgreSQL
mssql: MSSQL
&d=d1: Is database name.

Of course, the project is young, a lot has been announced but not ready, but I think this is the best alternative for Strapi as headless CMS.

Thank you, Vladimir!
Status: Image is up to date for nocodb/nocodb:latest

Now how do I use

NC_DB: database type
mysql2: for MySQL/MariaDB
pg: PostgreSQL
mssql: MSSQL
&d=d1: Is database name.

For example:

In last row in Environment Variables
Add 2 rows
Key | Value
NC_DB | mysql2://host.docker.internal:3306?u=root&p=password&d=d1
NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET | 569a1821-0a93-45e8-87ab-eb857f20a010

Where NC_DB value:
mysql2 - Wich database type (mysql2 is MySQL)
//host.docker.internal - database host (IP addres for example)
3306 - database port
?u= - database username
&p= - database password
&d= - database for service data storage NocoDB (must be created in advance)
NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET as you wish, i think is for enerprise version (For example: hd;flkhd;kfh;alkhfd;jdfhg )

In my unpaid Docker account I have no Containers. & where I saw “environment” it was not a clickable working link

I want to strip out everything having to do with Git, GitHub & Docker!!!

I do hate all this crap just to get something “simple” installed for testing.

I’ve got Docker Desktop open & GitHub Desktop & then they want to jump over and handle the rest of their nonsense in the browser that are open (with COOKIES in the browsers)

I have a myriad of files now on my localmachine which help me not at all.

nocoDB Forum moderator can"t help even when I send screenshots & show that the Project Info button sends an error.\

Anyway. Today"s App building is Ludicrous. Reading all the dependencies being called up from servers all over the universe just to put together nocoDB in multiple pulls & syncs.

the technologies for apps are a runaway train that just keeps adding more boxcars, containers & containers ad infinitum.

I hope one day the current blizzard of dependencies of ultimately Millions of lines of code to make an APP will be laughed about derisively as the Dark Cave Era of Apps.

Find in reposytory nocodb/nocodb
Download and run with 2 added Environment Variables

  1. Docker:
    Find in reposytory nocodb/nocodb
    Download and run for test with local (in NocoDB container) sqlite db.
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