I have zero knowledge in coding but a lot of ideas for projects.
i want to build my own projects through wappler, but i need to know first if there is rich resources that can help me step by step to learn using this software.
Like, i’m thinking to make my own job board with user roles, job seekers and employers.
jobs seekers can create profile and upload CVs, and employers can submit jobs and collect CVs.
What is the best way to start in my case with zero coding knowledge?
You have just caught Wappler in a transition between user interface design for 3.. to 4.. so unfortunately documentation is just catching up, otherwise would suggest a fantastic Getting Started course by community member @mebeingken
There are a few differences within the UI but not so many as that you could not begin by using the above course to get an understanding of how things are put-together. Ken may correct me and inform otherwise, also I believe he is in the process of converting the course to a 4.. version? Maybe Ken could let you know if and when this may be available.
In the meantime you will have valuable time to play around and become familiar with the interface and layout during your seven day trial period (which can be extended by simply subscribing for a months subscription, or annual, depending on your preference). Otherwise there is the community to help you. First try a quick search as there may well be information related to new users common questions. And for everything else that doesn't have a result don't be shy in asking a question, no matter how dumb you may think it is, we don't mind and are always happy to help.
Hope that gives you some idea of how to get started.
Your job board idea is totally doable with no coding knowledge. My main employment is doing a dashboard, website and mobile app for an employment agency.
As already mentioned there is a learning curve to using Wappler but I assure you it can be done once you learn Wappler without knowing how to code.