New project creating a 'www'


I am struggling setting up a new project. It keeps creating a web Root Folder of /www. Who in actual fact I just want to create it in the main folder.
Has Wappler changed so it now creates a 'www' default folder?
I have selected own server and PHP
I try to remove the www, but it simple keeps recreating it.
And what is composer.json?
I am also getting PHP dependencies errors?

Thats how wappler works now with php.
When publishing wappler treats the www folder as the route so only the files in that folder ate uploaded abdvtheyvarevplaced in your production root, the www ids not replucated.
Just leave it as it is with the www and it should work perfectly.

Thank you. But what about these PHP installl errors I am getting. Does this affect the project?

That's a different issue i'm afraid

Wappler uses composer to install all the php dependencies, looks like it is turned off or missing from your project.

Check your project settings and check it is turned on

The Composer issue it looks like Wappler didn't install it on your computer, for reasons I don't know

It looks like it for some reason. I do have it enabled though.

and also what is this composer.json that is there?

Check the docs please: