New node.js project - empty layout list

I’m wondering why the “main” layout isn’t available in the layout list for a new project when adding a new content page:

When creating a new content page, is there a trick you’ve got to do first to get the main listed in the layouts dropdown?

I saved the project, closed it, reopened it and now I see it:

Just wondering what I’m missing or if there’s a trick to get the main layout to show up in the layout list for newly-created projects on first open.

This is a Wappler quirk. After creating a page, click on one of the other options (e.g. Static) and back to the original option (e.g, Dynamic). The new page will then show.

Note: Without your permission, I have moved this to Bugs. If this is not your intention, please let me know and I will resurrect the original category.

Thank you, Ben!

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.0.2

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