June 15, 2024, 3:16pm
Hello Guys,
I have followed this tutorial to update records using Form Repeater.
Form repeater can be used in update record forms in order to easily update nested data to your database table.
Similar to our Insert Data tutorial - we will show you how to update a user and its contacts - so make sure to check it first, before continuing here.
The user will be stored in the main table, while its contacts will be stored in a sub table.
We created an update record page with a list of records an a form:
Our dynamic list gets its data from a …
What happens each time I update or add new record to the form is, all the IDs related to those records are updated to new ones.
Is this the normal behavior of updating using form repeater or I am doing it incorrectly?
Is it possible to keep the IDs same when the record is updated or a new record added?
Yes, this is the expected behavior. If you need to maintain the id's you can remove the sub table from the parent update, and repeat over the POST values to update each individually.