Mysql table join node.js Chart not working

I have-

-3 tables: tracks, members, journals

-A custom query (which shows query results)

-Doughnut Chart
json data returned to chart=
{“account”:“account”,“home”:“Beyond-Meditation: home”,“dashboard”:“dashboard”,“custom”:[{“j.count”:1,“category”:“mindfulness”},{“j.count”:6,“category”:“energise”},{“j.count”:1,“category”:“anxiety”}]}

But values not displaying in the chart itself…

Question: Is there a problem with charts or have I not configured this properly??

I have also found that the expression is NOT being saved in custom query parameters. (Is this a known bug?)

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Ok found problem in custom query…count As ‘count’ not ‘j.count’.

!! However Bug remains- Expression does not save. !!


Just turn off the experimental features and it will save properly.

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Great Teodor…that all works!

This will be solved in the next update.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.3.1

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