My personal impression of Wappler after 2 years

Yep. It wouldn’t be hard on the concept level.

Wappler could host a private NPM registry. And host community extensions there. They could use verdaccio for that.

Once they have full control of the registry they can provide a directory of them in the UI and start working on marketplace features which are a whole beast on their own.

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Actually that is in the working :slight_smile: - extensions can already be uploaded to npm and we will be building an UI to list them and directly install.

Wappler extensions on npm are recognized by the wappler_extension keyword


I can relate to your journey. Wappler definitely helped me to push to learn coding and recently I re-did my front-end with React, while still using my Wappler backend/server connect API’s.

If you’d like to pursue React / Vue I recommend going this way, making a front-end with React, using Wappler server connect API’s.

I also learned how to code a backend with Nodejs and create API’s but I didn’t see much value over using Wappler’s server connect for this as it’s basically the same. So I don’t think I’ll “migrate” my Wappler backend to full-code.

I hope that in the future Wappler refractors Server connect to Typescript + es6 to make it “more modern” and easier to custom code tough

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Ohhhh i see, i assumed to much from that initial comment of yours.
I 100% agree with you.

I have so many little things id personally would love interms of ui, like simple things of just defualts, like opening the formatter and just defaulting to the code, instead design section.

I suppose my dream would also be like IntelliSense (i think called IntelliSense) in the code view, and bouns of extension on vs code haha

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It is a relief to hear that someone has already come this way. :beers:

If it is ok, can you tell us a bit more about your decision? What were your reasons for going this way?

That seems reasonable. But for me it is not only about convenience and habit.

I want to use frameworks that are also used by many people around the world.
So I can learn easily, explore other projects and practices, easily get professional help, easily assemble a team, easily get a job, etc.

Wappler world is still small (despite its huge potential).
This is the main reason why I want to switch to code.

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I started this initiative some time ago. My Top-30 flow killers in Wappler. What would be yours?

Maybe it may help, if you join and gather all of your requests in one list.
So the Wappler Team sees it and also so you can track it, mark the progress and also don’t forget to bump most important items occasionally.

Agree! It is one of the most desirable things for me too.
Btw, if anyone is interested in it too, please support this FR.

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  1. React has many professional component libraries so it helped making my app look much better without spending additional time on design
  2. I needed to use/integrate a lot of third-party libraries so I had to do a lot of things in code to progress anyway
  3. To be able to hire new front-end developers in the near future that have experience in React etc as well
  4. Above all, I wanted to learn how to do it all in code

Yes in that case it makes sense to learn it all in code

It’s actually quite easy to learn React, and I recommend to definitely use Typescript as it makes your life much easier. For the Nodejs/Backend side, I recommend to learn Prisma to manage your database queries / connection.


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Thanks for sharing your experience! It is really valuable input to discussion.

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Thank you for sharing.

Somehow I also relate with all points that you mentioned. I personally coming from bubble to ship product faster, until they become inflexible at some points. Then I found Wappler that remind me back to Dreamweaver era.

I do also write the feedback about documentation that for me more into like compilation of tutorials instead of definition of every feature in the Wappler. Which could help me to understand the fundamentals instead of the workaround for specific cases / example.

I would love to contribute my spare time to enhance the documentation to be more descriptive for each feature (love the way bubble link each field to the documentation page).

Anyway good luck for your next journey Nick!


Fantastic and honest post! I read the whole thing (and some parts twice) and I really appreciate it. I’m just about to get started on my “web developer” journey; your transparent and personal post just made me even more sure that Wappler is the correct way to get my journey started.


Maybe in the future we will be able to learn best practices of development within Wappler itself, by studying professionally prepared projects.

I usually get some kickback when I make these comments. But none is necessary. I represent a small segment of people who bought Wappler to ease themselves into new app technologies and have been very frustrated with things that I search to undertstand & so often have to scour the internet outside of Wappler docs and then try to come back into Wappler to see if my understanding is applicable in Wappler.

When I started out learning html, php, mysql queries & connections to save & display data and rudimentary javascript nothing helped more to learn the principles than Working Examples. Modifying functions by trial and error to see the effects, researching other code examples and bringing them into a project to see how they worked and how I could modify them for my needs. Same with jquery, different flavors of javascript.

Wappler Top-Down brain trust consistently resists this – insisting that Visual Approach Wappler UI is more than sufficient to complete every step to the end.

In fact, making a Tutorial project’s completed code exposed for learning is pooh-poohed.

Unlike with open-source front and back end stacks.

The 100% Visual Approach does not teach the proprietary logic BEHIND so many Wappler methodologies. Which is why the Forum over the years is filled with “why this, why that?” after the fail occurs. Then long threads trying to get to the bottom of the confusion.

The dependence on proprietary App Connect for everything to work, is, of course, an understandable PRO & Con decision that does make Wappler a very useful tool.

But the Learning Curve & inconsistent applicability of Docs to This Version of Wappler has been a hassle for this geezer :dizzy_face:.

My learning curve is massively accelerated by being able to trace and analyze a complete efficient, Professionally developed Learning Demo application PARTICULARLY in the Mobile App arena and Desktop app platforms.

Fascinating to read your experiences @NewMedia!

I guess I have worked around much of this stuff by finding the smallest subset of Wappler features that I can use, documenting all the code for myself in a snippets file, and using those methods again and again.

In that process I’ve resisted using new tools such as database manager in order to keep focussed on my simple subset that I can rely on.

I also upgrade Wappler versions every 18 months to minimise disruption.

Many people think I’m stupid, but I know different! :wink:

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This is Brilliant – How they Document All of their Components
I wish Wappler would devote some finances towards converting its Docs into this kind of Website.

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Aligned with many here. I also started with Wappler and, after some hits and miss, I moved to Node+Vue/React.

As several wrote before, Vue/React have much larger communities and libraries.

I wonder how much more growth Wappler would have by embracing Vue/React as frontend frameworks.

From a user perspective:

  • the lerarning phase would increase users’ market value because not relegated to a smaller niche

  • the webapp would be future proof and not subject to Wappler’s market success

  • the much larger communities would skyrocket Wappler’s adoption

But Wappler’s business decision is understandable because it increases control and it forces the users into staying in Wappler ecosystem.

Yet, I would still suggest Wappler management to consider adding Vue/React as a way to exponentially sustain growth. If done right, it would make Wappler the official dev environment for most, a bit like Dreamweaver in the old good days :wink:

Take care all and thank you for reading this.


Wappler is a low-code / no-code platform where are offering visual builders for both design and code so the user doesn’t have to code on their own and focus more on functionality than on coding.

With Vue and React you have to code quite a lot so that doesn’t really fit in Wappler’s vision and users.

Wappler’s own frontend framework App Connect is just as fast but much easier to use because of the direct data bindings and visual flow editors available.

Also the Wappler community here is what drives and make Wappler a success. The community might be smaller than the ones from Vue and react but much more efficient, friendly, helpful and open minded.

At the the choice is yours and what fits your use case.


Vue, React, and App Connect are all similar JavaScript frameworks. I think Wappler is better off promoting their framework instead of building on top of another. They could possibly make it easier for developers to use/improve it outside of the Wappler app by creating detailed documentation and hosting it publicly on GitHub and npm.


Over the course of two years of using Wappler, on the one hand, I feel that I have not mastered even 30% of its capabilities, on the other hand, I have already made a couple of commercial projects on it for my customers.

The fact that you can create, albeit not ideal, but working products, alone, without deep programming knowledge, is an excellent achievement of the Wappler team and the community.

But I would like there to be at least brief descriptions of the purpose and main parameters of each component, not necessarily in as much detail as those that are in the documentation.

And it would be great to have a full-fledged code editor inside, since in development you still come to the conclusion that it is easier to do some things with direct code.

And maybe the Wappler team should think about creating paid practical courses or a school for developing development skills with Wappler, I think there would be a demand for this and an additional marketing channel.

What do you mean? There is a code editor already there.

Yep, that would be an excellent addition.

I meant to be able to write full-fledged code in a convenient way, for example, when you need complex code with some calculations and mathematical processing.
Now inside Wappler this is almost impossible and it’s easier to write a separate script on your external server and return the result back.
The same work with arrays in Wappler still looks very primitive and limited. That is, if it is still possible to do this on the front end, even if it is not very convenient, then on the back end I don’t know how.
RUN JS certainly allows you to do something small, but it’s inconvenient.

I think that would go against what Wappler is aiming itself at which is a fast, low-code development tool.