Multi reference with multiple references reveals full name after apply

Just to clarify will this also fix the incorrect naming when simply adding more than 2 relations inside the multi-reference? It also names wrong here even if I don’t change the default options of cascade etc

Could you explain that more in detail?

Everything seem all fine in your video… what do you think is wrong?

After I applied changes the name went to temp_something in the manager when this happens to the name after refreshing it will show unnested and in the API queries its also unnested making it hard to create sub queries and such

I see but why are you adding more references to the multi reference table? It is a junction table for many to many relations and all the needed references are created automatically when you assign the reference table to it.

An example would be Facebook groups lets say we have 4 tables
users (main table)
groups (sub table)
posts (multi-relation)
comments (multi-relation)

Comments would need to be delete if a user is deleted, the group is deleted or if the post is deleted and seen as the users commenting might not be the one who created the group or post etc an extra relation is needed I think

@George was doing some more testing and this is what I found in the below clip I start with 3 tables
sub (sub table of main)

Now I add two extra sub tables to SUB (testing and testing2)
The only difference between these two is the second relation,

testing simply goes to a table (users) which is away from all nesting to do with the table named SUB

testing2 creates the second relation to the parent of where the new subtable is been created from in this case we are creating TESTING2 from SUB so when we create a relation to MAIN this causes the name to be prefixed in the manager, the same happens with multi relations

Well I just checked with the latest fixes and it seems that all this is solved now. So should bein the next update

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.9.0

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