More variety of designs and options for Notify

I just read this article. I hope that Wappler Notification features could be enhanced with options and more designs like offered by some of those libraries.


Bootbox, one of the examples featured in the article, is already included in Wappler (only in flows I think).

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I have integrated Sweetalert2(also mentioned in the post) quite easily. If anyone is interested in this library let me know and I’ll post a quick tutorial.

I’m particularly interested with iziToast and SweetAlert. I love that iziToast is responsive to mobile viewport and has sleek design and animation.

Hey @JonL, bit late to this party, but are you able to let me know how you got SweetAlert2 working. Having Bootstrap 5 is great and all, except for the stock standard browser alerts and confirms.

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Would love a tutorial on this too. Especially to use it instead of bootbox for confirmations as it’s not supported with bootstrap 5

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@JonL I’m a few years late to this, but did you ever post this? I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Seeing as Boot box isn’t available on BS5 projects, I’m looking to use Sweetalert2 in my new project and I’m trying to work out how to get the confirmation alerts to work correctly.

Hi! Just made a quick tutorial:
SweetAlert2 Tutorial

Have you looked at Toasts which are already integrated into Wappler? Lots more flexibility

@htatd and @Digo sorry I missed these posts and their notifications completely. I am just waiting for the team to release the App Connect extensibility features to pack everything into a custom extension.

Nonetheless, using flows is an easy way to call the library as Tony pointed out. The overhead is negligible. There are some caveats that you need to take into account specially if you use SWAL toasts mode.

I’m not actually interested in the toasts, but the confirmation modals/multi-step modals. You can do this with Bootbox on BS4 projects, but not on BS5. You can still do it manually using standard bootstrap 5 modals but they aren’t as nice or flexible. The toasts portion of SA2 is pretty simple to add in Wappler using javascript but the multi-step and confirmation ones seem harder to get working.