Mobile updates?

its been along time since mobile get any update. are you guys going to give it any attention soon?

That is the plan


I’d love to see a road map for mobile app development. Are we looking at a radical overhaul of the start to finish process for app developers or just general updating of F7 and the other bits Wappler currently does?
While the weekly “What’s New” list is an enjoyable read, I’m sure everyone would like some idea of what’s slightly further down the line? :pray:
Thank you. :smiley:


I support you very much. I am always happy to see any improvements to Wappler. But I’ve been hoping for a few weeks now that there will be at least some improvements in terms of mobile development. Now I am starting a mobile project based on Fw7, but I understand that with the current state in Wappler, I will most likely have to switch to a different editor. Because at the moment, when working with Fw7, Wappler does not give almost any advantages in comparison with conventional code IDES (for example, VS Code). This fact makes me very sad, because I love Wappler and would like to make not only desktop apps on It, but also mobile apps too.


We will have more mobile updates in the next weeks


Wappler 3.2.1 Released

Mobile Development

  • Improved saving routes. Do not try to upload and give unnecessary warnings

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its been years now… we can handle it a bit more :upside_down_face:

Any priority requests? What do you feel have to be addressed first?

I would like touch events, could you integrate this library please

update the framework and add the rest of the Components
that’s a good start


How big do you have them?


We would be glad to hold your beers while waiting.


Because the integration with Cordova and FW7 is very light at this stage and really only a partial solution, I think you should consider the best approach available in the current day, and not be tied to Cordova and FW7. For me, the product problem you are trying to solve is, how can Wappler developers best produce mobile apps for android and ios. Maybe that’s fw7 and cordova, maybe not.

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If the Wappler team does not want to start fresh with the best frameworks of the day, and thus stay with fw7 and cordova, I agree with the need to support more of the fw7 components and be able to update that framework (ideally without having to wait for Wappler.)

To put it another way – make it possible to build the Kitchen Sink demo from within the Wappler UI.

Additionally, support the use of the route change events: beforeout, afterout, beforein and afterin from the UI (perhaps that could done within flows???)

there is no need to change the framework. fw7 is very fast and i have a large app that run smoothly like native. cordova is working great when i need any native functionality
fw7 events are too many to include at this stage in my opinion

For me it’s always felt like mobile app development has just been a quick add-on so it can be said that you can build mobile apps with Wappler. It would be great if a few consecutive weekly releases contained a real focus on mobile development so that the process really is similar to building web apps.

And some in-depth tutorials.


Well I guess I just have a different opinion on this, and of course it is based on my own experiences.

Two main app examples. The first used React Native, the second FW7 and Cordova. Both were dependent on a backend engine for dynamic data. Come to think of it, while the apps served different markets, the architecture was very similar.

The React app was built with over-the-air updates for about 90% of the code. Not having to go through the app stores for patches was very nice, and allowed us to update the app even if the user did not choose to do so. The app was extremely fast on touches and delivered an experience that nobody questioned as being native.

The fw7/cordova app does very well, but does not have the native snapiness – it’s close, but just not quite there. Some of my clients and their users, probably would never mention the difference – others recognize the power of getting all the details perfect and performance is one of those details. Is fw7 slow, no. But there are other frameworks that give that little extra edge.

As for fw7 events, this is where all the power of fw7 lies – to ignore this power leaves us with a half baked solution – to which I agree with Jon’s comment above.

It will be interesting to see what direction Wappler goes – and it will also be interesting to see what I choose to do on my next major mobile app. I am loyal to a product, until it is not loyal in return. :slight_smile: So far, so good. Right now, I’m all Wappler. If mobile can’t improve fast enough, then I’ll just go Wappler for web.


I was searching for any lagging in the ui with fw7 and there was none i see with my eyes. its so small of a difference that you need to measure it and compare

and as you said most of the users will not know or care.

the beauty is that i can use anything in the web . pure JS and HTML.

for example i have a photo editor in my app! nothing but a great JS library.
no way i will be able to do it with native script or react native

Low end devices notice web wrappers performance much more than newer ones :slight_smile:

Probably your js library is more powerful than the native counterpart. I am thinking that maybe it would be possible to wrap it in NS.

it is more powerful indeed :slightly_smiling_face:
you cant target all devices anyway with cordova or native. im happy with 90% coverage.

the most annoying thing in cordova is the conflicts in plugins and their versions when you use many plugins.

but thankfully i was able to handle them :smile:

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