Minor bug editing text in Design View

It doesn’t seem possible to edit text like this:


… in design view?

I’ve tried double-clicking and pressing F2, but it doesn’t seem possible. It seems the <small> tags, added by default when creating forms, are the issue.

It’s a very minor issue but it would be convenient to be able to edit without necessarily switching to code view.

Not ideal, via app connect would be easier but it can be edited via the DOM panel in the Text attribute.

Thanks @Hyperbytes. I rarely use the DOM panel - I probably ought to use it more. However for editing text like this I’ll stick to code view if it’s not possible in design view.

I don’t like typing in those very narrow text fields and avoid doing so I can. Most of the time it’s not possible to see what you’ve typed. I’m sure, or certainly hope, that one day these fields will become wider and/or multi-line.

I may be wrong but i seem to recollect that the help text could be edited in place at one time? Maybe i am wrong,but it would be a nice additional feature

I can’t remember. I tended to use code view before the save button was added - when editing in design view wasn’t always reliable. I’m sure it’s a (very minor) bug which will be fixed.

I have encountered this before. Unable to edit text in Design view, usually with Label element. This is what @Teodor suggested at that time:

It works, but I usually just select the element and go into Code view. Its much faster than going into DOM and scrolling, or scrolling and selecting Dynamic Attributes.
Going into code view would be even faster once there are shortcuts in place.

I expect Teodor was suggesting this as a ‘visual’ solution, avoiding code view. As you say, for most people using code view is the quickest solution.

I assume this type of issue is a minor oversight which is easily fixed. However, it’s difficult to know what is actually involved and sometimes I’m hesitant to point things out in case they take time to fix and detract from more important issues. We all want Wappler to be as good as possible, but this issue would probably be pretty much at the bottom of my priorities.

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That’s true. But I have found that sharing issues on this community is always welcomed with a positive intent. So irrespective of the duration of solution, everyone should report the issues.

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I’m sure you’re right. It would useful if there were list of issues/bugs somewhere, showing the priority and status of each one.

In this case, the issue might be known about and it might/might not be considered a bug. I don’t really mind, but it would be helpful to know.

There are also bugs/issues which have been mentioned and apparently fixed. Again, it would be useful to know the status - apart from anything else, to prevent cluttering up the forum with redundant messages. For example I reported a bug about the server action panel not refreshing properly. I’ve hidden the Properties panel to see more steps:


… and it seems there aren’t any steps. But there are:


I think someone else mentioned this. I don’t want to start a new thread about it and it can be difficult or impossible to find old threads. So I’ll forget about - it’s not that important and perhaps it’s on an issues list somewhere. Having such issues listed in a special area we could access would be more efficient and also reduce the number of issues which are already known about, or are not issues at all. People could be asked to check the list before reporting a ‘bug’.

I think we now need a feature request topic for the community itself. :sweat_smile:
Both big tracking and feature request topics in the community don’t show the current state. View only access to some separate tracker used by Wappler developers could be a solution.
Maybe @George can help.