Make Filter columns work with objects (non-arrays)

Make the Filter columns server action step work with objects (non-arrays), coming from e.g. Database Single Query

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Why not just use a set value step and create a JSON object inside it with the columns you want?
Or you can use RunJS custom extension.

I don’t see much appeal in making the filter option work with flat objects.

Do you see appeal in using the filter column step with collections? The difference with collections/arrays they have a loop, and with a single object they don’t. You don’t see appeal in using a Database Single Query? Because I did exactly what I would do for a Database Query, except I’m only interested in one row. Consider it UX improvement :wink:

As to answer your question, a Step Value or RunJS is more work to ensure the schema is not lost on the database binding picker, and also keeping track if you change the database query colums

Actually no. I don’t think I am using it anywhere in any of the projects.:sweat_smile:

More features are always welcome, as long as the Wappler UI or docs can exactly inform the user what is going on.

That is something I did not think of as I would just use the main DB query for pickers.
As for tracking columns, a RunJS setup could handle that as well. But RunJS is definitely not for a beginner user, so your request would be helpful to them.

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