Magazine App - loading PDFs

Hello - I have no knowledge of Wappler as yet - and am wondering whether I will be able to follow the various stages, but I will look through the site and the learning that exists. However, before I start, I want to check that I can actually achieve what I want to do.

The mobile app needs to showcase various magazines - that load into a full size PDF reader, and that can be accessed via a gallery. Everything would need to be accessed via some login/password so it was secure and the magazines couldn’t be downloaded onto computers.

Is this all possible without getting too complicated?

Many thanks

User base wise, for all your access permissions, can be easily handled within Wappler itself, and there are several guides both within the documentation itself and across the Community on how to set this side up. For viewing your PDF’s you could use something like PDF JS Express which works across all platforms, from mobile to desktop, and they offer a free version. So worth checking out, sounds right up your street with regards to your needs outlined above.



Thank you very much - I will give it a go and see what happens!

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How do you install it?