For some reason, my logout is not working. The user stays logged in. Does anyone know how to logout a user on a mobile client? I’m not sure if this is due to using Redis or something else.
On the API Server, I have a Logout API Action.
On the mobile app, I have a link/button that calls the Logout Server Connect API action. On success, it is set to reset the CurrentUser Server Connect, although I’m not sure what that would actually do.
Here’s a video showing me logged in and attempting to logout, but I’m still logged in. The page would redirect me to the login page if I was successfully logged out.
I’m not in a place to recheck this, but I know I track a “manually logged out” toggle. Not sure how/why I got to that point, but I check that to see if the user performed a logout. It may be outdated now, but I know it’s in there.