Logout not working in Mobile app

For some reason, my logout is not working. The user stays logged in. Does anyone know how to logout a user on a mobile client? I’m not sure if this is due to using Redis or something else.

On the API Server, I have a Logout API Action.

On the mobile app, I have a link/button that calls the Logout Server Connect API action. On success, it is set to reset the CurrentUser Server Connect, although I’m not sure what that would actually do.

Here’s a video showing me logged in and attempting to logout, but I’m still logged in. The page would redirect me to the login page if I was successfully logged out.

I found cookies, including the auth cookie, we’re not being removed with different samesite settings than default:

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Thanks @bpj! So typically the logout Server Connect removes the browser cookie, but that doesn’t work on mobile apps since they are not same site?

Looks like the logout is supposed to perform three remove actions. Not sure if this is working to remove sessions from redis.

I also stumbled across this post. Might be useful.

I’m not in a place to recheck this, but I know I track a “manually logged out” toggle. Not sure how/why I got to that point, but I check that to see if the user performed a logout. It may be outdated now, but I know it’s in there.