Login not working on mobile

I am having a similar problem as Brad was having in this post.

The difference is that I am using Capacitor instead of Cordova and that the login does technically work but the app is not staying logged in and I am unable to return the id to my front end and all my other server connect actions are working on an identity of “false”.

So essentially, it logs in but does not stay logged in.

I have tried setting CORS to “*” as well as trying to configure it to my local hosts.

This issue is happening on both iOS and Android.

I have tried using Ngrok to make all my API calls https

The login step is successful but it doesn’t stay logged in and none of the queries dependent on a user id retun any data as the user id stays “false”

Have you ticked the credentials option on all ServerConnect or ServerConnect Form calls?

I have

So It works on iOS fine when I do not use Ngrok, however then none of my API calls work on Android.