Login in design view with security provider

When previewing stuff in Wappler it is awesome, however one problem I have is security permissions, is there a way to have the user logged in so it does not get blocked by the security?

Hi Peter,
You can always turn the App Connect off:

This will stop rendering the data on the page, so you can see your page structure.

yes but then it does not show the data, so I’m constantly having to swap over to a browser.
It would be good if in Wappler we could add a login for the site so it does not get blocked and not show the data.

You can still log in (with app connect enabled of course) - just enter in preview mode and log in with your user details.

The problem is with that @Teodor is if I multiple page open that I am working on the preview take you to the different pages (yes) but it is still the same page that is open in the code and app structure so I can not make changes that I want to without having the page open that I am working on.
For example:

Login Page 1
Working on Page 2

If i login on Page 1 then page 2 will show but I can’t make alterations to it as it is page one that is showing in App Structure.
If I have out open in another Tab then I still have the same problem of not being logged in.

Can you see where I am coming from with this?

Well, once you log in and go to page 2 just turn off the preview mode and yuo should be able to edit the app structure …

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