Local datastore lost all its variables

6.7.1 php in docker

my local datastore has lost all its variables, they were there last night, i let my wappler do those 2 small updates nodejs and something else, thought nothing of it, came in this morning and my datastore is empty

you can see from the screenshots its empty, but, from browser what it should contain, i have tried a full reboot.

Screenshot 2024-06-25 072243

any ideas? its not the 1st time this has happened but in past i thought maybe I did something, but this time I was asleep in bed lol.


Was there any Wappler crash involved?

Seems like your dmxAppConnect/config.js got empty - maybe you can restore it from git.

See also:

I don’t have, I couldn’t understand at all in what specific situation this happens

no. no crash that I am aware of, it just did the minor 2 component update last night, I could never get git working properly so gave up, but now i know what file it is I can look in my backup and see if i can restore from my own backups as i make those daily.


Definitely a serious bug and needs investigating. Why does the file get wiped? Has happened to us and several others where config.js gets wiped. Real problem for those without a backup as could be catastrophic for them (we backup hourly). Although it happens rarely it is a high priority as without this file and no way of recovering it what is the solution?

What exactly does the config.js file do? As far as I can tell when it gets wiped it only effects the Wappler UI?

My config.js file constantly gets over written but the project still works as it should. Just the bindings in the Wappler UI seem to get erased and I have to re-enter them.

If you excuse me to tell my experience...
OFF COURSE IT IS BASED ON AC1 so stopped caring about it and can't complain!

So, on AC1, the main "suspects" are 2 components based on my watch out analysis:

  • DataView
  • DataDetail

When you add one of them in a page it doesn't create an "entry" (new node) under the specific APP_ID node inside the config.js.
The entry is being made since you set the DataSource for it.

Most of the times this "first" DataSource setting doesn't mean a crash and config.js loose its data (get empty).
But there have been a couple of times that by setting a datasourse for the first time to one from the above components it happened (crach and config.js emptied).

But it is almost sure (8 times oout of 10) that by changing through the UI the datasource of one of those two components I get a crash and config.js get empty.
And I think that it got worse if a DataStore component is in the way...
(DataView datasource is a DataStore...)

So, I'm used to leave with it and before touching Dataview and DataDetail component I always create a copy of config.js

Last 4-5 days...

First the config.js is not a critical file, it is used only by Wappler UI for meta data pop-ups.

Second the issue is because of a bug in Electron that is already open for 7 months and the Electron team haven’t fixed yet.


We hope to rewrite the usage of this file in the next major Wappler version and we will be using much newer Electron so it might get fixed there as well.

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Can you check if this is still a problem in Wappler 7 beta?