Light theme for builder

It would be great to have the option for a light theme in the builder. The dark theme is really hard on my eyes which is making it difficult for me to spend more than a couple of hours working on Wappler which is obviously not ideal!


@Heather_Mann - you can vote for your own feature requests if you want.

I have a large window behind my desk. I like the current Wappler theme, but if I had the option to switch between light and dark themes, I would close the blinds less and be able to work in a brighter environment.

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Just a follow up with some information on dark themes.

People with astigmatism (approximately 50% of the population) find it harder to read white text on black than black text on white. Part of this has to do with light levels: with a bright display (white background) the iris closes a bit more, decreasing the effect of the “deformed” lens; with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye.

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I voted up for this as well because Wappler is the only program that I have that only has the dark theme available.

I know dark theme is all the rage right now and it took me a quick minute to figure out how to change my Mac from dark to light after the upgrade to Mojave, but my preference is light theme mainly for the reason that @Heather_Mann mentioned.


This was implemented in Wappler 4 beta 11

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