Just chewing the fat over multi record inserts

I am just thinking about recent comments regarding the multi record insert action performance.

Looks like each insert is performed singly within a repeat which seems a pretty inefficient way to do this.

Now, taking the sql logic from inserting data from queries into tabies “en-bloc” using syntax such as:

INSERT INTO table SELECT {fields).... WHERE {condition)

I started to think.

In most cases we would be drawing data from a JSON object which, traditionally, we would use the basis of a repeat and multiple actions based on that.

Could there be a more efficient method by, for example, parsing the json to an array and then inserting directly into the recipient table using a similar syntax to that above?

This would appear, on the face of it, far more efficient?

Just bouncing ideas, sure there are lots of different ways to do this


Something like?

INSERT INTO Info (id,Cost,city)  
(2,150,'New York'), 

This is where a single INSERT query inserts multiple records within a single point of execution.

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Exactly ben, single insert from source derived from another data source.


Btw Knex (from NodeJS server target) already supports that natively (inserting rows from array of objects)

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Guess that should make it easier for the team to do this then.
I really think this should ge a tweak to the wappler server connect core rather than via an extension.
What do you think @George ?

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I think @Patrick was already working on a bulk insert action


One can always do this by building a string, let’s call it sql_stmt, that contains exact what Ben typed, and then running a Custom Query. You would put in the boy of the custom query just this


I’ve done this before and it worked pretty well.

Hope this helps,


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It’s a good workaround for small data sets but whatever really need is to replicate the syntax of insert from query such as:

SELECT FIELD1,field  FROM table1
WHERE condition;

To allow insertion of a query into a table

Bulk insert is now available in server connect: