Incorrect connection of a bootstrap element on the page

Wappler Version : Wappler 3.3.3
Operating System : Windows 10

The bug appeared in version 3.3.3

I don’t use bootstrap in the mobile app. Fw7 Only:

The main project settings also have Fw7 installed as the main framework:

However, on the page automatically made the connection to Bootstrap4Navigation:

And if I delete it from the code, the connection will appear automatically when I save it. You can’t get rid of it.

Specify. The above problem remained even after completely reinstalling Wappler. However, the problem may be larger.

Before a full reinstall, Wappler was very buggy. After adding a new element to the page and saving it, it could delete script connections from the bottom of the <body> and insert new connections at the very beginning of the <body>, but incorrectly, which caused the page to stop working. Very similar to this behavior:

After a complete reinstall, no new bugs have been noticed yet. The bug with incorrect Bootstrap4Navigation connection did not disappear.

Thanks for the report, yes the bug was introduced in the last update when we added auto include generation for used components.

The bootstrap navigation component is just wrongly detected in Framework7.

Will fix that in the next update

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Fixed in Wappler 3.3.5