If I add a connection to the database inside an action file everything disappears. (With experimental features off)

Wappler Version : 3.5.0
Operating System : Mac OS Catalina

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

It should show me the options after I link the database.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

It shows me nothing.

How to reproduce

Hi, I have this project in PHP, I deactivated the experimental features. And when I add a new action file and link to the database everything disappears and I can’t do anything anymore.
I leave this video so you can see what happens.

Grabación de pantalla 2020-11-05 a la(s) 22.29.51

I installed the new version by removing the old one.

What happens if you add a second step? Such as a query?

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@Max_Saravia, did you restart Wappler after deactivating experimental features?

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Hey @brad, I tried adding a second step as you suggested and now it shows it. I’m used to creating an action file, linking to the database, and then cloning it several times before adding the following steps to each one. Thnks (Im not gonna click the solution button cause there is still a bug there).

Yes @scott i did it. Thnks

Fixed in Wappler 3.5.2

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