How to use phpmyadmin with docker?

How to use phpmyadmin with docker?

i need help for phpmyadmin on docker

We would need to know a bit more about your setup.

Here you have the command you need to run assuming that you are using Wappler’s docker engine implementation for a local target.

docker run --name myadmin -d --link mpc__docker_local_db_1:db -p 8080:80 --network=“mpc__docker_local_default” phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

“mpc” is the name of my project.

Et voila!


how is your docker composer? and what is the root password?

can you show a print?

I am using portainer to manage my docker environment.

Root password for DB is in your target in Wappler.

I’m stuck. If I understand correctly, Portainer shows it’s setup but it’s not running and not associated with a port.

Here’s the error I get when I run the command you suggest @JonL

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can you delete the container from portainer and run it again? That error is related to the name being assigned already to an existing container.

I was able to delete the myadmin container and run the command again but now it’s giving me an error saying that the network can’t be found.

Ok. Delete it again and then go into your networks tab and check in which network are the two containers created by wappler. Then change the command to reflect the right network.

We plan to add possibility to install some of those predefined standard containers like phpmyadmin, pgadmin and more.

Specially load balancers/proxy servers like Nginx proxy and Traefik are very important so you can run multiple web sites on the same server all with let’s encrypt certificates as well

So installation will be just quick menu choice with all the right settings


Guys…are you aware that Wappler is moving from just an Application to a PaaS right? :joy:


I tried and it’s still telling me that it’s not finding the network.

What docker version are you using? You are on linux, right? What distribution?

Are you using a VPN? I have seen people talk in forums about issues with the networks and a VPN. Don’t actually know why it would have something to do but just to double check.

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Also try this and copy here the error.

docker network connect yournetworkname myadmin

myadmin container needs to exist before running that command so don’t delete

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That got it to work! Thanks so much @JonL!

To not leave any loose ends: Yes, I’m using Linux w/Debian 9.9 (Stretch) distribution with Docker version 19.03.4 build 9013bf583a. Not using a VPN.

Thanks again Jon!


That would be awesome! Getting phpmyadmin straightened around took a good amount of time. It would be amazing to have it magically auto generated!

Thanks @George! Awesome update btw! I’m starting to see why everyone here loves Thursdays and I’m loving Wappler so far!

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Good day!

After following the instructions with my limited knowledge…
Below is the list of what I have so far. Now how do I get access to the phpMyAdmin container to start building databases?

docker ps -a

85f09f1f7895 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin “/docker-entrypoint.…” 3 hours ago Created myadmin
db46716645b2 wapplerio/php-7.3-apache “docker-php-entrypoi…” 15 hours ago Up 3 hours>80/tcp testing-project__testing-project_web_1
13394f04a0de mysql:8.0 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 15 hours ago Up 3 hours 33060/tcp,>3306/tcp testing-project__testing-project_db_1

If you’ve followed the above instructions, you should be able to go to local host port 9000 (if I remember correctly) and log in to portainer. Once there you should go to the view of all containers and find your phpmyadmin one. Make sure it is running. If not, start it again. Then, you should be able to access phpmyadmin on local host port 8080:80



I’m having the same trouble. I’ve run this command:

But got this error (the same that @dserber got).

This is my docker dashboard:

I’m not using any docker manager

You don’t have to use phpadmin any longer - just use Wappler’s new integrated Database Manager

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