This question comes back to me again and again, I've asked this myself and I am being asked today directly: can you create a website that "the client" can maintain and update (this client not using Wappler). Two examples:
My sister wants to update Blogs (past and future events) and add/remove pictures of her paintings to her site in an easy way
My chess club would like to update event blogs and chess diagrams and such stuff
These people don't have a clue about databases or NodeJS or Bootstrap. Can this be done? Are other Wapplers asked these questions and what was the result?
Yes, those are very doable. How complex it gets depends on your specific needs. The only issue I can see may be the ability for the client to add new pages and design them.
If all of the content is held in a database it is very easy to have a client Create, Edit and Delete Records.
There is a full tutorial on the Wappler YouTube page.
Actally my very first Wappler site back in Wappler pre-release days (7 years ago or so) was my personal blog and image galleries. All update-able through an admin dashboard.
I'm just starting out and I think there are no limits to your project. I'm coming from a WordPress background, and I'm going to abandon it and transfer all my projects to my own CMS, created through Wappler.
You can go from a simple website to a CMS, depending on the size of your ambition. Wappler will serve you very well.
I'm creating a template, and whenever I need a content manager I'll start from there.
Come up with the following idea.
1 - The frontend will consume the data from the DB.
2 - Create a dashboard to feed the database.
The challenge: in my case, the Wappler learning curve is taking up a bit of my time, but I've learned a lot here on the forum. And when you start from "0", it takes time to have everything the way you imagine (when compared to the Wordpress CMS).
The advantage: The freedom to develop is absurd, I'm free and I'm not tied to the old WordPress project. That's the part I like the most.
Watch the video to see how the dashboard is looking, I'm still working on it, but you can already see how it behaves.
It's very doable, I came from a hobby coding background and managed to have a large scale production ready marine dealership CMS in 6 months from knowing 0 CSS/HTML and zero database experience.