How to build dynamic open graph tags?

In nodejs, I have designed a nodejs app which describes a users profile. And this url can be shared with other users. I want to display the users info in the OG card, which is dynamic.

How can I get this working ?

Click on App in app structure then dynamic attributes

Is this from the pages or layout code ?

I want to update og meta tags, is this it ?

On the page, click on App in the app structure. The meta tags are in the Properties inspector - under dynamic attributes

This doesn’t seem to work, I want to update the og meta tags. That is og:description, og:title, og:image etc.

I cannot update them from dynamic attributes.

I think it’s a limitation as they’re JavaScript based. There may be a workaround using jQuery/JS

Try this:

The best solution would be to bind a query with the relevant information for your tags as server-side data for the page:

Just add the meta tags and put the bindings inside - they will be rendered without the need for page JS