How dmx-components includes are added in a content page?

Hey guys,

Here is a quick one...

I'm pasting a collapse component in an empty content page:
<div class="collapse w-100" id="collapseFilters" is="dmx-bs5-collapse" dmx-bind:show=""></div>
And automatically the include is added...
<!-- Wappler include head-page="layouts/main" fontawesome_5="cdn" bootstrap5="local" is="dmx-app" id="contentpage" appConnect="local" components="{dmxBootstrap5Collapse:{}}" -->

Now, if I paste a Dynamic OffCanvas
<div class="offcanvas offcanvas-start" id="offcanvasFilters" is="dmx-bs5-offcanvas" tabindex="-1"></div>

The dmxBootstrap5Offcanvas:{} include is not added automatically...

Is there a reason?

haven't tested other components because if one is not working there is no reason for me to move forward...

I'm on 6.8.0 (nodejs)

Any idea would be appreciated

I'm also trying to figure this out. Last night I had a big problem, for a moment I thought I was going crazy, the page lost all the css references, or even the js on the content page.

Luckily I came back to a stable git version.

I still don't understand how this works.

And I'll go further, sometimes when you add something it doesn't include it as you mentioned, but the big problem is when you remove the component and decide not to use it. At that moment the js and/or css links are not removed. You have to manually go through the code removing what is not being used.

I think this deserves some attention. The tool just needed to have a button to go through the code and check what is being used or not, removing or including what is necessary.

But my opinion is humble, I'm learning. The tool is wonderful.

to think that I started with DMX way back when I used components in Dreamweaver, I think even when it was still Macromedia, now Adobe.