Update seems to disable buttons in menu, have to revert to make them work again

Hey again,

Beside @Ben suggestion that make sense but considering that offcanvas component is already included in your layout page I don't know if that is a problem...
Is it @Ben?
(I have a related post asking for this here:)

@Michel2, in the code of your pages you shared, I noticed a few things...
Most of them are related to how you validate your inputs.
You do a mix of wappler and javascript validating there that I think that rise unwanted warnings and errors...

  1. In your content page you have a few input-groups like:
<div class="form-group mt-xl-4 mt-lg-3 mt-md-2 mt-sm-3 mb-sm-2 mt-xxl-5 style13 col-md-12 col-12 col-xxl-10 col-xl-10 col-lg-9" is="dmx-input-group">
                    <label class="form-label col-form-label-sm style53 ms-md-3 ms-sm-2 mt-4">Tendenz</label>

                    <select id="tendenz_select" class="form-select mt-0 form-select-sm style14 ms-md-3 ms-sm-2" name="tendenz_select" dmx-bind:value="selectedValue">
                        <option value="long">Long</option>
                        <option value="short">Short</option>
                        <option selected="" value="Hold">Hold</option>

a) what is the is="dmx-input-group" ?
b) you have defined oninput="validateInput(this)"
You defined a static input event there and call a javascript function.
This function is located in a script inside a document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {......}
c) also inside this eventlistener you attach again the oninput eventlistener
document.getElementById('tendenz_chance').oninput = function() { validateInput(this); };

I see that you validate the inputs normally the wappler way...
max="100" data-rule-max="100" min="0" data-rule-min="0" required=""

If you need to do further validation using javascript, (first please backup your files!! and then) handle the validation using a more wappler friendly way:

  1. Create a .js file handling your javascript and put inside it the validate function
function validateInput(input) {
..do the validations you need in here..
  1. on your inputs you need to validate, attach a dmx-on:changed or a dmx-on:update dynamic events (depending on if you need to validate the input on initialization or only when user changes its content) and for these events add a flow and run the validateInput function ("Run Javascript" action)

Beside that, the OffCanvas and the Modals are working from what I can see...

I hope we help you make your code more clear and effective