Hide green checkmarks on validations

I’d love to hide the green checkmarks that appear on the validations, im ok with the red x’s but the green checkmarks make everything cluttered. How should i go about this?

Problem is if i apply 1 validation to 1 field in the form, all the others suddenly give the green checkmarks…lol

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you are using Theme Manage to customize your Bootstrap 4 theme, then you can disable validation icons using the following checkbox:

Otherwise, you can just hide them using CSS:

.form-control.is-valid, .was-validated .form-control:valid {
    background-image: none;

Almost perfect! Now i just need to hide the select box checkmarks…
This project is a massive import from dreamweaver (which i’ll no longer be using…lol) so in any future projects i’ll use the theme manager.

You can just apply a more global rule then, this will apply to all the form inputs:

.is-valid, .was-validated :valid {
    background-image: none !important;

Hi Teodor,

This doesn’t apply to checkboxes. Can you help me apply it to checkboxes as well?


You can turn the validation icons off in the Bootstrap theme manager :slight_smile:

I think it would be great for Wappler to offer the ability to choose on a per-form basis if validation icons should be added or not (class is-valid), as one might not want to globally remove such class from CSS, don’t you agree?

In my case, I have a login form, and it looks a bit awkward to have a very brief moment where validation success form visuals are shown before the redirect to the user dashboard

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Fixed in Wappler 5.1

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