Help with business hours not working properly on Full Calendar

Hey Everyone,

I am struggling with a small issue of getting custom business hours functionality to work for the calendar. I think I have done everything that is required for the business hours to work properly but I can only see them working for the standard hours from 9-5 pm weekdays, I am not able to customize them for some reason.

This is the code I have inside the dmx-calendar tag:"" business-hours="true" dmx-bind:business-hours.Sat="{startTime:'12:00',endTime:'14:00',daysOfWeek:[6]}" dmx-bind:business-hours.mon="{startTime:'11:00:00',endTime:'15:00:00',daysOfWeek:[1]}"

I can only see the standard business hours like this:

Anybody know where I am going wrong?

Hi @Teodor,

Can you check this please and let me know if it is working properly with you? Because I tried the custom business hours functionality on a blank page and it still wasn’t working properly.

This is the code I tried with on a blank page:

<dmx-calendar id="calendar1" views="dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay" view="timeGridWeek" business-hours="true" now-indicator="true" dmx-bind:business-hours="{startTime:'11:00:00',endTime:'15:00:00',daysOfWeek:[1,2,3,4,5]}"""></dmx-calendar>

@webmaster, did you get this working? I’m having the same issue. I’ve put in the business hours but it’s not making any difference on the timeGridWeek view.

Nope, I gave up on it since I tried many times and it didn’t work

Seems we generate the wrong attributes, replace all dmx-bind:business-hours with dmx-business-hours. should become We will investigate on how we are going to solve this, changing the generated attributes or updating the extension to accept the current generated attributes.


Thanks @patrick, it’s now working as expected. Hopefully this is an easy thing to sort in the UI.

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.9.4

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