GraphQL Query Builder

A GraphQL integration would be needed for us to fully implement ecommerce modules.

As the Wappler team have suggested to build the ecommerce capabilities in Wappler ourselves, I have been looking at Shopify as the best option. But some of their API’s are only available in GraphQL instead of REST. As far as I know it’s not possible to use GraphQL in wappler (correct me if I’m wrong), so some built in support for this would be great.

hello @nevil,

please check this post

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GraphQL query builder support, please and thank you :raised_hands:

And this is why :grinning:

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I fixed some frames of the video so some people can sleep well tonight.

A preview:


After seeing your photoshop skills JonL, I have to say that I don’t understand why people tend to say that programmers can’t be good designers too…

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It’s comforting that you can appreciate the huge effort there is behind such work of art.

I was in bed at that time of the morning (EU) so I could only use my iphone, the default scribbling functionality for screenshots and my finger :joy:


I lot of query freedom comes also with greater cost.
A lot of things to consider when using GraphQL

bumping this request.

bump …

Badly need this too


Leaving this here for reference:


Hi @George Graphql is really needed in very large projects.

Well seems GraphQL is not that great after all and many people are backing off. That was the reason we didn’t embrace it as well.


can confirm, not adopting graphql is a huge win.