Git Manager not loading

I have no hidden .got folder. It’s like it was never created.

Sorry for interupting.
Have you selected git in the left side menu and activated git control?
I forgot this one time and was confused :slight_smile:

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Thanks @JoakimAsk - unfortunately I’ve never had that option on that specific project. I have no local .git folder, and when I click that icon that section is blank - I don’t have the option to ‘Create Repo’ - just waiting to hear how I can resolve this!

Hi strange you don’t have the option.
Can you open the terminal in root of project and type git init? This should create the .git folder.

Please restart Wappler with logging, reproduce the problem and attach the debug log. See:

@George I’ve already done that here as per Patricks request.

@George @patrick - looking at DO App Platform, so checked git for our latest project - this again has not been created so just hangs. This is the 3rd project in a row to not create a local git repo. I can solve it with JoakimAsk’s suggestion of git init, however.

We are not able to reproduce this problem and so it will become difficult to fix. Since this is an old topic I will close it, feel free to open a new bug report with any new information that you have.