Git as target publishing

Yes direct git deployment is something that we are also working on. But then you will just have another target to publish to - but it will be git based destination.


I would recommend to contemplate moving away from Targets in some future version - since you guys are working on the Git type target. Personally, I think no projects should be created without a Git - even if just local - which could help create “targets” based on branch name, and ENVs as well - with minimal config. Again, just thinking in terms of newer technologies - not PHP or ASP. So a far-ahead in future version thing.

One suggestion for Git as target - keep inputs as few as possible.

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But how do you publish a new version with git that is dependent from database changes?

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That is the one thing I haven’t been able to figure out.
I haven’t been able to create/maintain migrations in Wappler - as it just kept going into schema/file errors often - when I tried it long time ago.

Our DB changes are of three kinds:

  1. One which can be done on prod DB immediately - so we do that.
  2. One which requires some data migration and code to be deployed - so we have a plan for it, and do it manually. Migration couldn’t help with it anyways.
  3. Lastly, ones which need to be changed only after code deployment. This is not very often, but a migration would make it easier to do. And it would also cover for the first type. So still searching for a solution for this.
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