Fullscreen swiper

I see no issues on your site.
Ease create some short video showing the problem and upload it here.

Test on safari MacBook Pro
the preloaded show up this time, but you can see the menu is not fluid.

test.mov (10.4 MB)

I don’t know how to make video on iPhone, but the swiper animation on the iPhone is not fluid, and the images have a delay showing up.

I don’t understand what you mean? What do you expect your menu to do?
Tested your site on 3 different mobile devices and everything seems as expected.

You checked the video?
the animation is not fluid.

But that is entirely up to your browser/hardware. It’s the standard bootstrap 4 animation - nothing wappler specific.
Test your site on a real mobile device - safari is not the best thing you use…

In my Mac, if I use chrome, everything is good.
I tried on my iPhone and the preloaded don’t even work.
The problem is only with safari.

I’m sorry but I see no issue neither with the preloader nor with the menu on iPhone or Android device.
I don’t know what the issue with your safari on a Mac could be.

Hi @Teodor ,
how can i change the time that each image (slide) is displayed? The speed on the Swiper - slides control is for the animation between slides.

Seems we have not added this to the UI. The default is 3000ms
You can manually add this to your slides: data-swiper-autoplay="5000" (the value may be different for different slides if you need)

So it becomes:

<div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-autoplay="5000"></div>
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15 posts were split to a new topic: Swiper troubles