Swiper troubles

Hi @Teodor , my swiper is not working anymore, i think is because of the last wappler update.

I noticed it starts to work if we resize the page.

What’s not working, Andre?
We have not changed anything in Swiper. Please provide a link to your page.

its ok on the iphone, but on safari and chrome just work if we resize the page.

I’ll check the page, but it doesn’t really seem to be related to any of the Wappler updates.

but this only happened when i re-uploaded the website to server today.

Are you sure it worked before or did you just checked it right now?

It was working before. I have several swipers on this website and all were working.

So what have you changed before it stopped working exactly?

i just made changes on the about us page, but i re-uploaded the whole website

If i toggle preview mode on wappler, it works, but on the web, is not working.
I’m deleting dmxappconnect from the server and will upload it again.

I noticed now that my other website is not working too:

And i only made changes on the website with wappler version before the update of today.
So the problem is from the previous version

What changes did you make exactly?

nothing special, just text and images, i dont even made changes on the pages that have the swiper.

That’s what I meant earlier - probably it’s not really related to the latest update.
I’ll test that locally and will let you know what’s wrong.

Ok, thanks.
I noticed now that even on wappler if i refresh the page and click preview mode, swiper don’t work. But when i resize it, it starts to work.

The issue seems to be caused by the preloader js file. If you remove it from the page it works, probably a bug, but @patrick will check it.
For now you can add a dynamic event that reloads the swiper on page ready:

And select swiper update:

@teodor thanks, is working now :+1::+1:

I think we should be able to rate the people that helps here on this community. 90% of my doubts/questions, is Teodor that is solving/answering.

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That’s my job Andre :slight_smile: