Front end "show more" / "show less" on long text fields

Hi, I am trying to add a “show more / show less” button into a Text area callback from user input like this example:
show more show less example

Do we have this feature built into wappler or do I need to add the java and css manually ?

thank you in advance for the help.

A textarea doesn’t seem like the right place for more/less.

There are so many ways to achieve this dependent on the dataset being shown - If you’re using p tags to show content, perhaps previously captured via a textarea, then the code you’ve shared looks fine and can be re-used in Wappler using the same JS/CSS or simply using Bootstrap dynamic attributes (Show)

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Hello friend, if I can help you, watch this video, it's in Portuguese, but I think it can help

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You could try this tutorial. Worked for me.

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What amazing community wappler has with everyone willing to help.

Thanks @AdrianoLuiz I am actually portuguese so this is perfect
Thanks @web-works but I am trying to make half text visible and the other half with a toggle.
Thanks @scalaris I will try it, my only doubt is how to divide the dynamic text in two !

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.substr(0, 20)

First 20 chars of a string

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Ok, is half done !! this is what I managed to do so far but I know still some work to be done:

Description: Lorem Ipsum is simply

                    <span id="show-more" dmx-on:click="show_more.setValue(1)" dmx-hide="show_more.value==1" style="cursor: pointer;">Show more</span>

                    <span id="show-more-content" dmx-show="show_more.value==1">
                        <p class="font_10 mb-1"> text of the printing and typesetting industry</p>

                    <span dmx-hide="show_more.value==0" dmx-on:click="show_more.setValue(0)" id="show-less" style="cursor: pointer;" class="showless">Show less</span>

Now the issue is where to add the “.substr(0, 20)”
and I want to alight the “show more” “show less” to the right side in small grayed out letters !

Thanks once more to all

If your text is static then you don’t need substring(). Just split it into two sections. Otherwise it’s as follows



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Is dynamic:

that is the issue

…current_user_info.description.substring(0, 50)

Thanks… I should have started by stating I am new to coding !
In any case… with your great help I managed to here :

is working but I wanted the text without the

to be able to be aligned !!