I’d like to know when with Wappler will be possible to work with the last version of F7 (4).
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Yes we will add version 4 very soon
Hi, is there some insight on that?
I’m new to Wappler, I found it through the Framework7 website. Haven’t used it yet, only tried out the free version of Wappler, to see how it works and it looks promising. Cool that a linux version exists by the way. As far as I know, there are not many other designtools that work with webapp frameworks(?). The main competition would be Ionic Studio, maybe?
Hello etz,
Framework 7 v4 has been included in the latest Wappler 2.0 beta 3.
It will also be available in the final version 2.0 as soon as we release it later this month.
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4 posts were split to a new topic: Framework 7 bugs in Wappler 2.0 beta 3