Form Group class md-3

When incorporating a form group in Wappler, it automatically includes the form group; however, within the element, the md-3 class is applied. I’m unsure of its functionality, as I’ve consulted the documentation and found that the md-3 class, on its own, does not seem to serve a specific purpose. Maybe I am wrong.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-22 a la(s) 13.14.31

I believe it’s a typo, should be mb-3

That make more sense. Thats what I was making manually fix them.

You need to create a new category as ‘WAPPLER AMBASSADOR,’ one that says ‘Official Wappler Tester Team.’ Please take a look at all my submissions. :slight_smile:

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Haha yes, indeed.
From what i see it has been like that from a very long time, but seems nobody noticed it :slight_smile:

Because I am part of the “Official Wappler Tester Team”.


Fixed in Wappler 6.3.0

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