Font Awesome and Toasts AC2 - 6.5.1

We had a method of using Font Awesome with Toasts. We could paste in the code and it worked prior to 6.5. Any way of getting this back? Or a workaround. Not labeling this as a bug because it was not a fully functional feature prior.


If anyone wants this to work temporarily. Restore to version Version 1.0.1 of the DMXBootstrap5Toasts file. Worked for me.

You should not inject html with the title, use the Icon option for it. I’ve updated the code to detect the icon type, you can pick a file for the Icon or set some class names.

Adjust your properties to the following:
Icon: text-danger fas fa-fingerprint

Test it with the following update: (3.9 KB)

Let me know if there are any issues or when it doesn’t work. We will also add the icon picker to the UI.

Thank you Patrick, will give this a go!

Fixed now in Wappler 6.5.3

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