Flow confirm close on escape unchecked still closes when pressing escape

Wappler 2.9.0.

When using a confirm via a flow, and unchecked the ‘close on Escape’ box. The confirm can still be closed when escape is pressed.

are you using the Bootbox confirm or the regular/native one?

EDIT: I was able to recreate the issue with the Bootbox confirm, we will fix this.

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Not sure why, but it seems that the onEscape option is ignored on the confirm dialog.

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The close on Escape will be removed as option in Wappler since bootbox doesn’t allow you to set it with the predefined dialogs, it only works on custom dialogs.

Hmm, I have requirements that were based on this functionality, so I just got bumped couple of days to think of new solutions for this.

@George will there be a replacement?

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.1
The close on Escape option was removed from the UI.

Well, not really for me.

I’m also still hoping if there is going to be a replacement for this, as this was also not answered.

As Patrick explained, the close on Escape option has been removed as as bootbox doesn’t allow you to use it on the predefined dialogs, it only works on custom dialogs, which are not available in Wappler.

I’m really unsatisfied about this, but it is what it is and leave it a that.

That’s how the bootbox dialogs work, we are using the code provided by the bootbox plugin creators.

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