There have been many requests similar to this one, from earler today:
I've posted up a request in the past, as so have others, that more of the UI be documented, especially properties of Wappler components.
I imagine the reluctance to do this is partly to avoid cluttering up the UI. One case where a little bit of documentation would make a big difference (and wouldn't clutter up the UI) is in the Find in Project feature. I expect very few Wappler users know know how the pattern options work (an extremely useful feature) - how could anyone know, unless they find this post from 2019 perhaps?
I think it would be very simple and very helplful to add some examples in the large, mainly empty space below the search inputs (without cluttering up the UI):
The text which has been added is not useful at all - it looks as if it's been put there to fill (a small part of) the space, largely for decorative purposes. Why not add some useful examples? eg:
File/Directory Patterns:
admin/** (search in admin folder + subfolders)
admin/somefolder/* (search in specified folder only)
name*.php/ (search within files starting with ‘name’)