Filtering Query with a search Text Input doesn't return to page 1

Hopefully this is a simple one for the more experienced Wappler users.

I am back using Wappler again after a bit of a break and find that all of the filtered query searches have the same odd behaviour. Hopefully the next four screenshots will explain what is happening.

Here I have a query which has returned a list with 5 pages of results

I am on page 4 and as you can see there are 4 in the list that contain the word ‘TAXI’, so I type into the search bar ‘tax’.

In reality is is showing all four results BUT it is still ‘stuck’ on page 4 which now does not exist. As you can see the results only take up one page according to the navigation bar at the bottom. If I then click on the ‘1’ within the nav bar then I get the correct view.

And if I press clear I get ALL results.

Why, when I do a search, is it not going to page 1 automatically?

Are you using a data view to filter? Is the pager tied to it if so? Or to the SC

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I had the same problem, looking for how I fixed it. But this may get you started.

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Found it …

On my search field:


There is an old and rather lengthy thread here which discusses this and related potential issues.

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Hi Brad, so you used this on your ‘input’ field?