File Upload Fails. S3 Provider Properties Missing Endpoint Option?

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : v6.3.0
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: Node.JS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: AWS S3

Expected behavior
saTestFileUpload should upload a file.

Actual behavior
Error “status: 500 message: s3.uploadFile: key is required.”

My S3 Provider Properties “seems” to be missing the Endpoint configuration option

as shown in a post here: Wasabi s3 cloud storage

Please advise

What do your both screenshots show?
You need to define the S3 Provider in the Server Connect > Globals, not in the server action steps.
Also, if you are using Wasabi, just select it from the Service dropdown …

Thank you for your prompt reply. Under Globals I right clicked on S3 Storage and selected “Add S3 Provider” then configured the S3 Provider Properties as shown below. Is this incorrect?

Yes, this is correct.

Thanks again for your prompt response. Thinking this might be an issue with AWS I created a Space on DigitalOcean, unfortunately with the same status 500 error “s3.uploadFile key is required.” I will PM a detailed step-by-step document that might help. Thanks in advance!

Hi - I work for Wasabi and I can say that some apps are hard-coded to only talk to AWS S3, not S3-compatible providers like Wasabi. I don’t have access to Wappler so can you tell me what the options under Service are? Is AWS the only option (which is the one you selected)? If there happens to be a S3-compatible option, then try that. You will then likely have to enter in a service URL for the Wasabi region you are using (full list here: Please also feel free to reach out to and we can help you out. Thanks!


We already have Wasabi as service provider choice. So just choose it instead of AWS