Execute query in Database Query window

The execute query button in the custom database query is extremely useful.
Could this also be implemented in the “regular” query builder?
Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 14.27.18

I remember seeing a longer thread on this topic but cannot find it now. In it, the complexities of doing this were discussed.
I’d like to suggest a stop gap that could be very useful in the meantime: allow us to copy the query shown by the query builder. Right now, it is not possible to copy the area that shows the query.
We could run the copied query in a database UI (all the ones I know have the ability to do that) instead of having to type the query to test it. That alone will save time.

Hope this helps!


In Wappler 5.2.0 it’s now possible to test your queries directly in the query builder.

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