I'm new to Wappler and am already having some issues. I have coded a database on MySQL and have hooked it up to digital ocean so I can then link it with Wappler to make a UI for my company. When I paste the string into the direct database connection it'll buffer for a while and pop up with an Etimeout error. Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be amazing.
I appreciate your speedy response, George! I got the details from the DO dashboard, copied them directly as in the instructions. Is there something else I can do?
Have you downloaded the SSL certificate and directed the CA Cert path to it? And the certificate is located within your Project? In your image it is blank and should be pointing towards the certificate.
Not essential if you are just connecting to the database but when you come to connecting your droplet it will be necessary to add it as a trusted source, or if not a droplet then the I.P address of the host you will be using.
REQUIRED! You will not be able to connect without the SSL certificate.
The directory where you have created your Project (where its files are located), within that directory is where you need to place the certificate file you downloaded. It must be within the Projects directory.