Etimeout when connecting to Digital Ocean

Make sure the username you are using is using the correct password. Double check it. We have used D.O databases for multiple Projects and have rarely had an issue outside of user error. Worth checking all the details again. Then be sure to click Test.

I’m sure it’s still a problem with the certificate. I have the giant file from when I downloaded Wappler, but in that file I don’t see any project folder or anything like that

Take a look at the documentation with regards to Projects. It is a little outdated (GUI wise) but the principle is still pretty much the same. Should give you a better idea and help to get a grasp on the basics.

I’m doing that all correct. I’m putting the certificate in the right place then. I don’t get why I’m getting this error. Is it possibly something I’ve done wrong on DO. Maybe my database isn’t hooked up there or something like that. Is there a way I can check all that?

If the Project is Docker try placing the certificate in the:


Directory. Then update the connection to point at it.

still doesn’t work. I’ve tried using a custom profile, I’ve tried Digital Ocean RDS, I’ve tried SQL 8 instead of Maria/SQL I’ve tried so much at this point. Is there a help line where I can explain this to someone. I know you’ve been very helpful, but I might need more help.

Well it seems like you have some settings or access wrong. Maybe try to turn off Use SSL

Other way is to use the new Resource Manager to create or import your existing digital ocean database clusters and select database connections from it onwards, see:

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Thank you for all the help! I’ve overcome this annoying roadblock thanks to this community.

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