Wappler Version : Beta 6
Operating System : Mac M
Server Model: PHP
In stable Wappler…
In Beta…
I know you can still see this from the error panel but being able to see what the error is at the line is super useful.
Wappler Version : Beta 6
Operating System : Mac M
Server Model: PHP
In stable Wappler…
In Beta…
I know you can still see this from the error panel but being able to see what the error is at the line is super useful.
Is this something that’s going to be fixed? It’s really frustrating to not be able to see what the errors are. Thanks.
From what i see its working on Mac Wappler 4 beta 10
That’s what I’m on as well but it’s not working. The error descriptions show in the panel, but not when you hover over the x at the error line.
Are you on the new M1 chip? I have had a few glitches here and there on other programs so possibly that’s the issue.
Are you on the M1 chip Brad?
It’s definitely not working for me.
No, MacBook Pro 2019. Have you tried switching code view themes just for a test? Guessing here …
iMac with intel chip
Aha! It wasn’t that Brad - but there’s an option “Show Hover” which I had turned off. So user error! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Now I remember why I did that. The hover delay at 300ms basically pops up constantly so I turned it off, not realizing that turned off the error hovering as well. I’ve adjusted that to 5000ms and the error hover still works instantaneously without having constant pop-ups.
Maybe the error pop up shouldn’t be affected by the Show Hover?
I would vote for that as a feature request.